Bringing some festive cheer into your home is as simple as the creation of a dazzling Christmas tree, lighting up the heart of your property. This effect is always heightened further by the purchase of a real tree, but this is an option that is commonly shrugged off due to the unknown efforts required. This is in fact a worry which needn’t be required, as the purchasing and transporting of a Christmas tree can entail heaps of festive fun and, if done correctly, safety. We have created a simple guide in how to get your very own Christmas tree home safely within your van.

Take your measurements!

Before heading off to choose your Christmas tree, be sure to measure the room you have free in the back of your vehicle. This includes both the height, width and length of your van. It would simply be a pain to find the perfect tree for your home to then discover that, once it is within the back of your van, the doors are unable to close!

Clear your space

It is possible that your van may currently be utilized by objects such as tools or boxes. Be sure to remove these before setting off to allow both maximum tree storage space for the journey home, and to ensure that there are no items which may cause damage to your festive showpiece by denting, cutting or de-pining.

Is your tree wrapped?

From most Christmas tree selling points, there will be members of staff who are able to wrap your tree in a netting to keep the branches snug and avoid damage on the route home. You should leave this on until you have unloaded the tree within your home or garden. However, you may find that there are some locations which do not wrap the trees for security, and so you should pack a blanket or tarpaulin in the back of your van and carry out this process yourself.

Protect your vehicle

The pine needles upon a Christmas tree are sharp and can easily scratch materials, as well as the tree sap being prone to staining, so be sure to cover the base of your van to prevent damage occurring, especially if you are renting the vehicle!

Secure the tree

Once the tree is wrapped it will become a cylindrical shape, resulting in it gaining the ability to roll around within your van whilst on the journey home. To prevent this from happening and bringing unnecessary damage upon itself and the interior of your vehicle, be sure to secure your tree in place by use of bungee cords, rope or heavy-duty strings.
Remember, with a heavier load, it is essential that you drive slower to keep your passengers, your vehicle and your tree safe from danger!

If you require a van for the transporting of your Christmas tree, or if you have any further questions, feel free to get in touch with a member of our Pace Van Hire team by calling us on 020 7277 9853.