A large portion of our clients rent our vans to transport large goods from one location to another and you could be next! To prevent you from sustaining any injuries, we have created a guide on how to lift heavy items with care and the necessary precautions.

Firstly, lifting is all about knowing your limits. You will need to understand the difference between knowing what you can lift, and what you can lift safely. A good way to test this out would be to lower to the floor with your feet hip distance apart and lift one or two corners of your item. If you feel any straining or pressure, lower it back to the floor and seek additional support.

The following steps can be followed alone or with a helper. Of course, no matter how many people are lifting the object, you should always ensure that your pathway is clear. Try to avoid locations with any slopes or steps. If you are gaining assistance with the transfer of your items, you shouldn’t allow anyone to walk backwards. Instead, both walk side on, allowing you to have clear view of the way ahead.

Safety first: How to lift heavy items into your van

1. Ensure you are on a flat, sturdy base

The flatter your surface, the safer your lift will be.

2. Prepare for the lift safely

Lower toward your item in a squat position, with your feet shoulder width apart. Hinge at the hips and keep your back straight!

3. Hold your core tight

As you rise to standing, tensing your core will work to protect your back from injury.

4. Move slowly

Take your time with the lift, move and lowering. There is no rush!

5. Keep the item close

Keeping the item as close to your body as possible will help to preserve the strength in your arms, preventing them from getting tired.

Our top tips for loading heavy items into your van

Finally, we have a collection of top tips that will aid you throughout the transportation of your goods…

  • You should always wear shoes that have a firm grip.
  • If possible, you can always opt to use lifting equipment such as a lifting table or trolley.
  • There is no harm in stretching your arms, back and legs before and after the lift. In fact, it will most likely do you good!
  • Keep your travelling distance as short as possible. If you can, reverse the van up towards your items.
  • Always hold your load from the widest surface to prevent your task of lifting doubling up as an act of balancing at the same time.
  • Remember – if the load gets too heavy, there is no harm in placing it down (carefully!) to take a rest.
  • Throughout the lifting, keep thinking of your posture. The tighter you tense your core, the straighter and better protected your back will be, preventing any pulled or strained muscle ache.

Here at Pace Van Hire, we want you to have the smoothest, safest journey when travelling within one of our rental vehicles. For advice or assistance on your journey, get in touch with our team! Give us a call on 020 7277 9853 or send us an email at info@pacevanhireuk.com today.